Speech Disorder Warning Signs
- Does not smile or show interest in others
- Does not babble between 4-8 months old
- Makes only a few sounds or gestures between 8-12 months
- Does not respond to what others say at 1-2 years old
- Says less than 3 words at 18 months old
- Does not put words together to make sentences at 18 months – 2 years
- Words said are not easily understood by parents at 2 years old
- Has trouble playing or being social with other kids at 2 years old
- Struggles with early reading and writing skills at 3 years old
- Makes errors or does not use p, b, m, h, w in words between 1-2 years old
- Makes errors or does not use k, g, f, t, d, and n in words between 2-3 years old
- Speech is unclear or difficult to understand, even to familiar people
- Repeats the first sound or syllable of a word (e.g. “b-b-b-bat”)
- Stretches out sounds (e.g. “mmmmmmom”)
- Pauses a lot while talking
- Voice is hoarse or breathy in the absence of illness
- Voice is nasal sounding
- Voice fluctuates in pitch
- Has trouble thinking of the correct word to say
- Uses words in the wrong order
- Pronounces words incorrectly
- Talks in short or broken sentences
- Talks about a subject without clearly communicating the idea
- Has difficulty understanding others
- Too slow or too fast rate of speech
- Slurred or mumbled speech